As part of our wish to do good works amongst the less fortunate the Lamb PH, Berkhamsted sent its Missionary Glee Club on a tour of Southwold places of worship.
Above you can see the entrance to one such spiritual site. Being cautious we would not enter until our solicitor, Blessed John of the Beard, had checked the wheelybin.

Two of the lay preachers spoke to us of the spirits that would enter us during our day and never did they have a more devout congregation

Brothers Derek d'Pratt and Steven our Greyhound Chaplain listen attentively, fascinated by the strange occurrence whereby the lay preacher has grown a second geoffesque head. Surely some devil is at work here.

A time for knocking on doors and asking if the inhabitants inside have spirits worth sav(our)ing

Brother Derek has found two lost brothers who had strayed.
"Ah souls!" he rejoices.

"Peace on you!" they cry

Bishop Phillip recalls the Conversion on the road to Emmaus when there was a
great wind and the disciples fell to their knees. It is Bro Ollie's birthday. He listens smellbound.. Bros Geoffrey and Derek look as though the story or its teller has a bad end.

Bishop Phillip and Pastor Gary of the Holy Goat take wine....and anything else that's going.

The entire flock of Lambs
From l. to r. Bishop Phillip, Blessed Mickey, Vicar of Gaywood, Deacon John who looks after the handicapped, The V Rev. Michael St John Joseph Wall, O Level Scripture,Pastor Gary of the Holy Goat, Rev Geoffrey Hanscombe Chaplain to the Sisters of Murphy, Brother Ollie of the Birthday with his pet keg, Bro Derek d'Pratt lay-preacher and -about, Bro Steven who keeps giving biscuits to Bro John's beard

What more can be said. TheBishop shows his dislike of white cars.

Just one more then....

Another spiritual visit.

A wondrous light shines upon Brother Derek to lead him from the shoplifting temptation

We are saved! All smiles except from Rev Geoffrey who is looking wistfully in the direction of the Soul Inn

Bro Derek appears apprehensive as he remembers Bishop Phil's Great Wind on the road to Emmaus

Things appear to be going well at the Lost Supper
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