On Tuesday night whilst watching England Football team emulate the Cricket team by forcing a draw against Montenegro in a game which they were winning (doh!) I was pleased to get an email from David and Jenni re the Caledonian trip and enclosing three photos of the end of cruise party. For the sake of tidiness I have posted these on the page headed "The Evening after the morning before and some of the afternoon before the evening before the morning after".
Great to hear from them and Ken and Pat
You know how on holidays you get hammered with people two nights in a row and swear that you will all keep in touch. Yet amazingly no-one ever knocks on your door and says "Remember us? Marbella? August 1995? " Never happened to me -though to be fair I've never been to Marbella but have you ever had anyone make contact after a holiday. (excluding the Romanian/Thai slapper that you stupidly left your wallet with)
I've also heard from Claire and Huw but nothing so far from t'others.
Didn't I see these chaps on Loch Oichy last week?
The sun is out! And the ducks are at it again so all is well on the moorings. I love it here and penury permitting anticipate staying till that Great Lock-keeper in the Sky decides it's time to drop the paddles.
The difference between Winter and Summer is so marked on the canal. Forget Spring and Autumn-they seem to last about a week each these days;possibly a side effect of age but more likely some self-delusional efficiency change by Brussels. There comes the day when you decide you don't need to store coal,kindling, logs. The same day you only need diesel to make the engine go brrrrm rather than fuel the central heating. The day when you can step on and off the boat without fear of 6 hours in A and E. And the day when you don't take your torch wherever you go.
That day it will be Summer, a long way off having just heard the weather forecast. Till then I can dream of the space freed up by coal etc, the time saved not tending fires and the great pleasure of having doors and hatches open. However it would be wrong to say I do not enjoy Winter on board. The cosiness of closing the door behind you, settling down in front of a good fire and failing to do the Times Crossword. Bliss.
The cut is obviously quieter during the Winter
Fewer board on the move and some that never move at all but a couple have come north through the lock yesterday and quite a rush today as people gear up for Easter..
As I say the ducks are popping ashore for spot of courting. Here's a group this morning enjoying a post courtship kip , no cigarette to make it complete.(Old joke-Do you smoke after sex? Don't know, never looked)
Then along comes nosey out for a walk with his camera and spoils it all.
Our resident swans are making it all look idyllic and I pause to take a deep breath of Spring air.
Bad timing!
The Lavender wagon is emptying the necessary at the nearby marina and the air is not Springlike. Great name for a Lavender wagon though.
Time to check out Battlecat and prepare for the return of The African Queen; Heathrow 5 30 in the morning and I have texted to say that as well as ski jacket and
Cossack hat I shall bring soup, blanket and hot water bottle when I meet her.
Talking of Uganda......

If you look at his long enough you will see a giraffe
If you enjoyed the giraffe then you obviously have time on your hands to look at Pam's blog, the charity website and the site to make a donation instead of buying an Easter egg that won't do you any good anyway
The Blog http://paminuganda.wordpress.com/
The Charity http://www.teamsonline.org/
To make a donation http://www.everyclick.com/paminuganda