Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Tim and Helen Visit and good news abounds!

Battlecat shows Tim and Helen his famous starving cat impersonation
Tim and Helen are in the UK -part business, part pleasure and are wending their way north to Scotland via Manchester (that's the business bit) but stayed at Pam's on Sunday. We had a barbecue and Nat, Caz and Phillip, Ollie, Joseph, Florence all turned out to welcome them. Nat and Ollie haven't seen Tim since they were small and were shipped off to Canada to Tim's mum Daphne. (It's a variation on the Naughty Step I think) Tim and Helen who were married three years ago on Tuesday met up with Caz and Florence-and Pam- in San Francisco a couple of years back so it was very much a happy regathering. The food was great, the libations and conversations flowed, the sun shone and all was well. Tim and Helen now live in Denver, Colarado and flew into London on Friday night. I had not had the pleasure of meeting Helen before and thought she coped admirably with her first meeting with the mob and a mental cat
Tim and I both used the timers on our cameras to take a group photo. The above shows that I am obviously considerably faster than Tim and apparently Natalie at getting in line.

Better this time -no errant heads or backsides in the way and everybody looks like they are enjoying themselves which,indeed, they were

To add to a great day some wonderful news Nicola and David (see blog: A Week in Yorkshire) have a son! Daniel Christopher (6lb 2oz) born this morning. Great news. And here he is Daniel Christopher Wood
Congrats to parents and grandparents.( Have you bought his Leeds season ticket yet Tony?)

So now we're celebrating a reunion, a wedding anniversary and a new baby. Open the Bubbly! And cheers to Daniel, Nicola, David, Tricia and Tony!

Oh wait-open two bottles....Ollie just heard he has a new job. I'll let him tell you about it but this day is going so well I wish I'd backed a horse. And Joseph has a new laptop purchased today for his birthday last week. All good news
At the Castle Gates
After the gang departed we went for a walk around Berkhamsted along the canal to the Castle and back to the Lamb as Helen and Pam insisted on visiting an English pub. Tim and I agreed just to be polite. The Lamb currently has a Beer Festival and Tim tried a couple of real ales before reverting to Lager.Hey ho no hope for the colonies I'm afraid. The evening was still warm enough to sit in the pub garden and talk rubbish for half an hour

Pam tells all about Berkhamsted Castle

Pam had to work on the Tuesday so after breakfast The Anniversary Couple heade off in their very smart hire car to we know not where-but wherever it was we hope they had a great day and many to come.

Tim and Helen's Yummy Motor

One other bit of news-avid followers of this blog-well me really-will recall that as a result of Pam's visit to Uganda we were trying to find a school bell for "Stitches" the sewing school-Apparently without this vital equipment it was difficult to get classes to start on time. Anyway good old ebay came up trumps and for the price of a decent curry I got a very fine brass bell which was flown out and presented to the school. They are well pleased. So we are too.
Rosalind who runs the school wrote
"Dear Pam,

Well...... to say JB was thrilled is an absolute understatement!!!

Thank you so very much. It has really empowered him and he obviously feels that he has more responsibility as he kept telling me when he would ring the bell.

Duncan managed to write, well scratch - but nicely, "Stitches"on the top of the bell so they all know who it belongs to.

Thank you again, your partner too, for all the hard work in sourcing and getting it to me in time.".
Best wishes,

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I know it's been a while and soooo many of you have asked when will I write another blog. My answer to both of them is here it is. My la...