There's been a lot of marrying going on. We've just had wall to wall, 24/7, dawn to dusk, ad nauseum coverage of the Royals which whilst I'm not anti I am fed up with the total coverage by every channel and radio station and it's still banging on two days after. Few similarities occur to me between the Windsor shindig and the much more important wedding last weekend of Ollie (son of Pam) and Jessica . The wedding was in Bath, the Reception in Bruton and the Nicklin entourage inc me stayed in Castle Carey (nr Bruton)
Here are some pictures-they are in no particular order other than in which I cribbed them from other people's Facebook sites.
You see I didn't take any. I wasn't there . More of that anon.
It was, apparently a lovely wedding; the ceremony took place in the Temple of Minerva in the Royal Victoria Park, Bath which I knew to be a lovely setting because I went there on the Friday to check it out. The reception was in a very fine establishment on the outskirts of Bruton-converted farm buildings and a lovely setting. I knew this because again I went there on the Friday. You see I've been involved long enough with the Nicklin gang to know that when it comes to donning their finery and getting themselves to wherever they are meant to be by the appointed time they can be a tad wanting. So as I am the sort that arrives half an hour early for everything I wanted to get the timings right.
The previous day I'd thought to myself I had been unlucky enough to cop a cold for the wedding but set off determined not to let it spoil the day taking in the two venues en route.
By the time I reached our apartment in Castle Carey I was buggered. My chest sounded like a set of bagpipes and Pam soon had me round at the local GP who pronounced Pneumonia and generally scared the bejasus out of me. Antibiotics and live in hope.....and if it gets worse go to hospital.
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On reflection I was obviously feeling worse than I thought which is unusual for this hardened hypochondriac but my stated aim still to attend the wedding was met with little response by Pam. Come Saturday and I felt like death warmed up. The next two days were spent sat in a chair -going to bed just didn't work the cough was so constant- while the rest of the world span round me in a melee of posh frocks and celebration. I was so pissed off, despite being so well looked after -I've had a few disappointments in my life-who hasn't? but this was up there with the worst. I was very chuffed when Ollie rang me from a pub en route from the ceremony to the reception to express his best wishes; they are such a lovely couple-my thoughts and prayers will always be with them
As to the health of your humble servant well one thing led to another as is oft the case when things go awry. I finished up in A and E at Hemel H Hospital on the Monday after the wedding which led onto a DVT scan which showed no problem but on visiting the GP to see how the pneumonia was progressing-it had buggered off, thank you but after an ECG and other stuff it transpires I have been stuck on anti-coagulants. Bugger! My diary for the next couple of weeks looks like a story line for Holby City! For the second time in my life my misspent youth has caught up with me. I wish he'd go away.
To other matters. A couple of weeks back I was stewarding at an open evening on Diabetes (no I don't have it-yet) at Berkhamsted Civic Centre and came across the painting below. It is obviously Town Lock by the Boat pub and I was pleased with my copy taken on my phone.
Enough for now but if anyone has any wedding photos they would like added please send them to me.....that's the Ollie/Jessica wedding of course not the other low key affair.
Hope you're feeling much better soon Mike.
Best wishes,
Carol and George x
Thanks C and G-Pneumonia seems to be on the way out albeit slowly-keep smiling
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