They are probably enjoying a bit of dry weather as well. Hope they have a nice day till some arse shoots them.
Next Monday (13th) is my birthday. I don't usually make any fuss about such a thing but a few friends have kindly agreed to join me on Sunday for lunch at the Greyhound, Wigginton. We went there last year and it was very good. Sadly on Monday I have a funeral down in Bournemouth so have decided Sunday is going to be the celebration.
But today is for enjoying the sunshine so must crack on. The saga of the tv satellite dish continues. Over the New Year a particularly gusty day saw the dish deposited unceremoniously in the front well and since then I haven\t been able to get a signal. Surprise!
I assumed it was because the dish was bent a tad but after swapping the dish for an old one I still had no success. So I've swapped the LNB for the old one onto the new (bent) dish and after a lot of farting around in the rain. Bingo! I don't know what LNB (Let's Not Bother?) stands for but it's the bit that points at the dish. I know I should have fixed it more securely given the weather but I thought weighing it down would suffice. Mucho wrongo as we say down Torremolinos way.Nothing too permamant because whenever I turn the boat round the dish has to be repositioned. Anyway we're up and running again and lots of little jobs are being done-those ones saved for a rainy fortnight. pictures fixed, additional lighting installed, cupboards emptied and refilled minus redundant artefacts.
And tonight (Friday) it's Carluccio's with Pam- a very pleasant evening and fairly sober as we're trying to behave at the moment-I did succumb to a glass of vino and a Scotch before retiring but it is my birthday weekend.
Saturday is a clear cold day, a surprise after the mild Friday. On waking a thought enters my head. Why is keeping warm like running an egg factory? You need lots of layers. Must send that to the cracker people. Strange dream last night...I was in a bar (nothing strange there) and the louder I shouted the quieter my voice got. How weird's that? I wonder if the Carluccio expresso last night was a bit too strong.
The gout is upon me which interferes with my attempt to do an hour's walk every day. Pam's brother Mac is down for the weekend and they are walking above Aldbury, part Ridgeway part Ashridge and I'm quite envious as I drop them at their start point. I picked them up at the Valiant Trooper and after a tincture we headed back to Berko. That's when we saw the sky. Red sky at night-Tring's alight as the old saw goes.

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The end of the clafoutis complete with birthday candle |

Mac (Pam's Brother who kindly ferried me to and from the pub and did much more besides)
Angie and Geoff
Carrie and Mac
Annie and Roy
Judith and Mike and Pauline
Adrian, Geoff J and Mike P
David G
Our numbers are down this year mainly because of my general unpopularity and personal hygiene or lack of, but a jolly time was had and I received many cards and gifts from people I do not deserve to know
David and I look like a couple of male models. For what I know not. |
Me and my two minders Joseph and Mac |
Cheers Big Ears! |
Thank you Natilee and team
Monday 13th.
My Birthday. Made it. Hooray.
To Bournemouth for a funeral set off in glorious sunshine but south of Basingstoke the heavens opened and it went downhill for rest of the day. Arrived early enough to have a look at the sea and a brief blow along the waterfront. Seems incongruous in black tie. Should have worn a suit as well.
A photo of the sun trying to pierce the cloud is below.
For Maureen , R.I.P. |
A wet and spray- filled journey home to a fish supper and University Challenge. And a much improved Pam.
Happy Birthday Mike!
An Advert.
More than an advert.
This is a blatant attempt to relieve you of some money. This will be the last advert so don't feel pressurised.
For sale
Aprons and Bags made by Seams. Avid readers will recall Pam's visit to Gulu, Uganda last year where apart from her involvement with the local school she met and stayed with the people running Seams. I've scanned in (rather amateurishly-but you'd expect nothing less) the following note about Seams
Aprons £13
Bags £11
The aprons are very well made and highly colourful. You certainly wont meet anyone with one like it. The bags would make excellent sewing bags or indeed suit any purpose. Other than as an apron or hanglider obviously. Very easy to spot on the carousel when you're returning from one of your foreign jaunts or at the Sports Centre during a Fire Drill.
I will pay the postage no matter where you live in the UK. What a deal. And it's all for charity!
Until next time dear friend.................................
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