Saturday, 5 October 2019

It's been a while but nobody's complained so everybody must be reading the book instead.
I never expected to make money from that endeavour and haven't been disappointed but I've sold enough to cover all costs. It was mainly a vanity exercise to see if I could, for a change, complete something I'd started. I'm a great starter but rarely complete anything so that was gratifying as were the many kind comments about my effort either personally or through the Amazon site.

I spent 35 quid on an advert in Private Eye which was a waste of money but the Magazine Berkhamsted Living are running it in their Winter issue which might sell a few for Christmas.
My first Royalty payment-drinks all round!
If you haven't read it or want one for a Christmas present for somebody else then here's the link.

Talking of great writers (hee hee) Pam and I spent a very pleasant afternoon at Shaw's Corner in Herts which was the home of George Bernard Shaw.While we were there they had a reading of a couple of acts of Pygmalion and one part caused us to titter.

HIGGINS [aggrieved] Do you mean that my language is improper?
MRS. HIGGINS No, dearest: It would be quite proper—say on a canal barge; but it would not be proper for her at a garden party.
GBS's Oscar for the Screenplay of Pygmalion

The House

It was well worth the visit which as it's NT didn't cost us a penny. The house is interesting and the grounds beautiful.
Back on the moorings there's been comings and goings

Jim and Sue on Hampton went....on holiday

as did Mac and Carrie on The Griffin........

A new moorer , John, has joined us and his wheelbarrow showed he has web access. Welcome John.
Bob and Jen and Peter and Christine have left and CRT have done their usual efficient job of auctioning off their moorings including, in both cases, describing the draught available as 1 foot 12 inches! When I was a lad that was 2 feet but maybe the rules have changed.

And then Ady on Moorhen and myself on Independence complete with alcoholic crew went............

on a tour of every pub between Cow Roast and Stoke Bruerne with the usual mix of joy and disappointment. 

We'd met up with Mac and Carrie for dinner at Three Locks, Soulbury and it was a jolly evening.The Three Locks having one major plus  in the form of waitress, Morgan who was charmingly efficient and laughed at my jokes! (Well I think it was my jokes-it might have been my inability to cope with the technology of the card machine)

The Griffin pointing south

The previous day we'd cruised from Cow Roast to the Globe; a trip of 8.5 hours. We were pretty hungry and marginally thirsty and they had Side Pocket on so that was good. Unfortunately Greene King pubs are very much Ping City on the catering and the food wasn't great and the service a tad amateur.

Then on through Milton Keynes-always a delight stopping briefly at The Plough at Simpson where we noticed that not only was there a quiz to hit on our return trip but a decent menu.

A snapshot of MK or an indication that a holiday in Cannes beckons? Discuss.

Peter paddles prodigously

A swan does an impression of the House of Commons

Over the next dew days we meandered north-stopping frequently for refreshment and to avoid the less clement weather.  Roy joined us twice; once on Saturday when moored a the Black Horse Gt Linford (6/10) where we dined on Cottage Pie made by me.  He joined us on the last night at the Red Lion, Marsworth (10/10) where we dined sumptiously on a prawn and salmon stir fry of incalculable beauty also by me ably assisted by Kevin and incapably by Ted doing a pissable passable job as front of house mismanager.

Waiting for Church Lock

Ted looks pensive

Fuelling at Willowbridge where my tea was delivered by kayak

Catering was also provided by Kevin-roast lamb and Ady on sausages and mash with Ted doing stirling work on lunchtime  fodder..
We also dined on the Quiz night at the Plough at Simpson. It was a splendid evening-good quiz and excellent food with matchless staff-v professional 11/10

The Crossword Kids

Last night at Marsworth

We've been running an auction online-again with donations mainly by Peter and Christine who having moved to a mooring with no storage had various items of immeasurable value to donate plus Mac and Carrie had a sort out and Ady had a few bits.
It al went rather well with a tad over 200 quid profit to be shared between the Hospice and Kidney Research.
Well done everybody-that's over 300 pounds raised this Summer.

Meanwhile on the mooring Max has come home from hospital and is being nursed at home;not fit enough for life on board at the moment. We send our very best wishes and much love to Max and Lesley (who's managed to fracture her foot!) and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.


Some good news on the pub front. Starting with the Grand Junction at Bulbourne which has reopened with a refurbed kitchen and cellar and new tenants so we will be paying a visit on your behalf quite soon and will report back.

Next to The Cowroast Inn where new owners have started work on what they describe as "renovating the pub to a high standard". It's to be a bar/restaurant and we live in hopes that this once fine pub can be reborn. Good luck to the new owners.
Work has started on the Lamb in Berko which is intended to finish by Christmas. I get the impression it will be a bit upmarket but I'm sure they'll let me in anyway.

In my book I made mention of the Thames Barrier and how necessary it was. Here's a picture taken when it was closed recently during a high tide and very heavy rainfall. Looks great!

Talking of great pictures I am indebted to Tony Cashen ( for the headline picture of Cowroast Lock. He has a real talent.
A couple of cartoons that amused me recently.

Cheers all-have a good October-good luck to Joseph who has started Uni. good luck to England in the Rugby World Cup and and finally I can't resist adding the following


Carol said...

Great blog as always Mike! Love the cowroast headline picture, as you say, a very talented chap.

MikeW said...

Thanks Carol-good to hear from you. Hope you're cosied up for the Winter. Mike

Carol said...

Not quite yet Mike ... 1st November.

Mike Griffin said...


Good blog, cracking picture of Cowroast Lock.

I know it's been a while and soooo many of you have asked when will I write another blog. My answer to both of them is here it is. My la...