I hope you all had a good Easter. I spent most of mine on the Mooring, Pam having gone to Espana on a walking holiday (a contradiction in terms if ever there was one).
I'd dropped Pam at Luton Airport on Maundy Thursday at 4.30 a.m.! They've changed the drop off arrangements there again and in the dark it took all my knowledge of Urdhu to sort out where to go. Three quid for the time it took to unload Pam, her case, a peck on the left cheek, wipe a tear from the other cheek (mine of course) and drive off. Thieving bastards.
I went for an hours kip in a chair before setting off to Elstree where a farewell lunch had been arranged by old friend Dave Harvey who is moving to Dorset from Stanmore where we were bred and buttered.
The lunch was at the Battleaxes Inn which as I hadn't visited for about 40 years I was unable to judge how much it had changed. As everything does change it's probably quite different being part of a chain which I'm sure it didn't used to be.
200 years of mateydom |
It was a jolly occasion with much reminiscing and it occurred to me once again how blest I have been through my life to have friends that I've known for over 50 years some of whom I like.
The meal was good although Trev's enquiry of the Latvian waitress as to what was the difference between the Lunchtime Special Fish and Chips and the Normal Menu Fish and Chips evoked the answer "Pollock". Nuff said. We didn't like to press the matter but it got us agiggling.
It was also good to meet for a celebration (albeit tinged with a slight regret at Dave going) rather than a funeral. Shame old Geoff couldn't be there. Hey ho.
One other good thing to come out of the lunch was an exchange of email addresses so now I can send them this blog and they'll wish it had been a funeral.
It's just good to have the place open again and to see some old friends in their proper places.
Good Friday and to church for the 3 0'clock service. The church was packed for what I regard as the most dramatic of services covering the Passion of Christ. I rarely get through it without piping my eye and this year was no exception. Particularly poignant was the exhortation at the end to leave in silence. So many people exiting on foot and by car and not a word uttered till beyond the church grounds. Plus we blocked the traffic in Berko High St.

On the Mooring, as everywhere, Spring continues to give pleasure with all the wildlife at it like knives.
On my mooring there is a dustbin. In it I keep bbq coal and that was what I went looking for on Easter Saturday. The bin was covered by a round, light,steel plate. As I approached I could see the lid was offset allowing a gap of about three inches presumably shifted by the recent winds.
I thought that will have buggered the charcoal but on lifting the lid I got a big surprise. 5 or 6 little yellow beaks were pointed at me enquiring where their grub was. I replaced the lid as I'd found it and went and bought some more charcoal.
Over the next week I watched as mummy robin flew in and out feeding the offspring. Roy, who knows more about everything reckoned that as time progressed the feeding became less frequent thus encouraging the young to fledge.
My concern was that the young were about 6 inches from the top and as I understand it the first flight is normally by falling/launching from the nest. There is very little activity now some 10 days later but I don't want to look again for fear of disturbing. What to do. What to do. Oh the stress of parenthood.

Avid followers of this blog will both know that I usually make a bit of a fuss about St George's Day but this year as it came hard on Easter I decided not to have a "DO" . On Easter Monday, the day before, Roy, Ady and I celebrated with a roast dinner of lamb and beef with all the trimmings and suitable libation. The following day, 23rd I made a load of red rose buttonholes to sell at the Lamb on behalf of the hospice. Bit of a waste of time-it would make more sense not to bother and just send 20 quid to the hospice. Throughout the whole of Berko only the Lamb flew the Cross of St G and I'd bought that. The C of E announced that because of Easter officially the feast had been moved to 29th April this year but I still didn't see any flags flying.

On the subject of St G. I see the Labour Party managed (or should that be mismanaged?) to wish the nation a Happy St George's on Easter Monday, 22nd. What a disaster they are. Given the current climate they should be ahead in the polls and contemplating forming the Government. Instead they've got themselves in a position where they are regarded as unable or unwilling to sort out the charge of anti-semitism, their leader is regarded as incapable of giving even the weakest of PMs a duffing up and their latest pronouncement on Brexit is so vague and woolly it has missed their only slim chance of attracting anyone not committed to leaving. And they can't even get the feast day of their Patron Saint right. Ye Gods. England My England.
Pam back from Spain which went very well we had tickets for a concert at The Maltings, St Albans with the Gabriel Latchin Trio.
We first saw this jazz pianist at Ronnie Scotts in 2017 and have enjoyed his two cds since. It was an excellent evening;great music professionally delivered. Have a look at his site.
Next weekend (12th) sees the first anniversary of the wedding of Ollie and Jess which means it's also a year since I missed the wedding because of pneumonia. Bugger, Bugger, Bugger.
Anyway Congratulations to them and I hope their weekend goes well
Another reason to rejoice! I bought Independence in June 1997 as a project. Today, 2nd May, 2019, I fitted kickboards to the base of the kitchen units. I can cross that job off a 22 year old list. What's the use of worrying it never was worthwhile.....oh pack up your troubles in your old etc......
I am taking deep breaths. I am girding up my loins. I am preparing for the worst, into the valley of Death. I am about to revisit the robins' bin. No activity all day. Or yesterday. Have they gone or have they tweeted their last chirrup? Here I go. Fingers crossed.
You see tomorrow is down on my list as the day I clear the moorings ready for a floral display non pareil + it's a bloody disgrace and desperately needs a tidy up....but I don't want to disturb the robins or worse, find a nest full of ex-robins.
Shut up Michael and get out there and have a look.
Yay!! All gone. Aint nature grand. So pleased and yet a hint of sadness. I hope they're ok....Oh blimey I've got Empty Nest Syndrome now. Still at least I've got my bin and charcoal back.
You never know-there ain't a lot of meat on a baby robin but I suppose they might have made a meal for a passing predator or perhaps enough, say, for a paella.....Roy? You know I don't eat meat on a Good Friday!
Pam took this picture whilst running one of her Health Walks along the canal at Berko. Now that baby would make a helluva paella. Whatever happened to Swan Vestas?

On to more mundane matters my ******** fridge had packed up. It's what is called a three-way fridge in that it can run on 240v, 12v or calor gas. Or rather it can't. Cos it's buggered. Even more unfortunately its buggerdom happened when the 2 day old kipper I was planning for my breakfast was in residence. It is now in the canal. The kipper I mean not the fridge. That might follow shortly if no improvement in its performance can be achieved. They are much more expensive to replace than conventional fridges but I might have to do just that. It owes me nothing. It was on board 22 years ago when I bought the boat and I nearly threw it out then but after a good clean up and severe talking to it has worked very well until today. Given it was on board and the boat was built in '83 it could be 38 years old which is pretty impressive. Sadly, however I am not impressed. It doesn't work, I'm skint and it smells, well, like an old kipper!
The May Bank Holiday is upon us and unlike Easter the forecast is for crappy weather. I've put the central heating back on and amended my comprehensive ToDo list to tackle mainly inside jobs....like the fridge of course and the Boatman's cabin which needs a sort out to get rid of clothes that no longer fit (all of them) or are no longer considered fashionable. Old habits die hard but I always say you can take the man out of the Male Model but you can't take the Male Model out of the man. I know my days on the catwalk are probably over but one must maintain standards.
What's that Matron? Is that the time already?
Oh well- goodnight everybody. Have a great weekend. Oh and "Pollock!"
1 comment:
Great blog post Mike ... I love your humour ... makes my day! x
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