Wow. What a grand week!. My birthday was on 13th Jan and we booked in at the excellent Golden Eagle at Ashley Green for lunch. 17 of us. It was very good and I had a lovely time. Such a good time that I was asleep by 10 pm. I think I must have been very a newt in fact.
Some pictures below of the gathering.

What else has happened. Well, as predicted, the rulers of this once great nation have managed a complete balls up over Europe to the extent that most of the country no longer give a flying fish whether we're in the EU or not. We've just had enough of the silly games. Ever since De Gaulle the Tories have torn themselves apart over their European policy and the only reason why Labour haven't is they don't appear to have one. If they do they're keeping very quiet about it. In fact his refusal to meet with Theresa May makes me wonder if he really is Leadership material or just an old fashioned Trade Unionist who used to play such silly games when allegedly negotiating.
I cast my eyes along the benches of the H of C and sadly am unable to find one MP whom I think would make a good PM. The odd one is better but they are knocking on a bit. Throughout my voting life I have usually thought if "so and so" goes then The Hon Gentleman/woman for "such and such" would be a capable successor. Not now.
UDI for Cow Roast methinks.
Then the Duke of Edinburgh is involved in a prang and the whole matter of our country's economic future disappears off the front page. Well done Phil. Love you.
Oh and he collided with a Kia. My Kia has just been valeted (£20) and fitted with lovely new floormats , a birthday present from Pam, so I'd be very pissed off to get T Boned by anybody let alone HRH.
The other day I noticed on FaceBook an item from tv about Dom Joly and Sleep Apnoea from which I suffer. (Sleep Apnoea I mean not Dom Joly)
The following link (rather long for some reason) might be of interest to those who know nothing of the condition-
Like Mr Joly I use the CPAP machine (Continuous positive airway pressure) and am very grateful for it. It is a nuisance especially when boating as it needs access to 240v power but one works round these things. I never travel without it, another reason why when I go anywhere overnight the aforesaid clean and carpeted Kia is full with suitcase, laptop, CPAP (for which I carry an extension lead as hotel rooms are great for not having power points anywhere near the bedside) , Yorkshire tea bags and fresh milk (ditto hotels usually have a tea bag containing the sweepings of the teaplanter's floor and that horrible milk that is sealed in small unopenable plastic buckets).
I'm off to Faversham in Kent for a couple of weeks- starting 21/1- self catering and among other things want to visit Canterbury Cathedral. To my shame I have achieved 72 years of misspent life without ever visiting the Cathedral which given the part it has played in the history of England is an oversight to be remedied.

Apropos of nothing for many years I had assumed that "What the Dickens" was to do with Charles Dickens but this week I learnt otherwise
It’s simply a euphemism for “”what the devil!” In fact the expression was common centuries before Charles Dickens was born, having been used by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor (Act II, scene 2): “I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.” It's short for "devilkins" meaning devil, demon or fiend.
Life on the moorings has been quiet; the wildlife is fairly inactive this time of year and few people visit. Those that are here stay indoors tending their fires and meditating. One spark of excitement was yesterday when I saw a couple of chaps under the bridge by the lock. They had a landing net and were obviously fishing for something. "What have you lost" I asked. "My drone" came the reply.
"Would a magnet help?"
After a discussion as to whether there was sufficient metal in a drone to be attractive to a magnet they decided to give it a go. I walked back to Independence and fetched my magnet leaving it with them with instructions to stick it next to my car when they'd finished. I don't know if they found it but my magnet was waiting for me when I returned. Now I've never been up close to a drone, that piece of technology has passed me by, but I suspect this is the first one that's finished up in a canal. I told you it was only a spark of excitement. I don't know why I droned on about.
What the dickins!
I enjoyed the line about The Amazon Boss' wife leaving him. Presumably with a neighbour.
======================================= I shall not be blogging whilst in Faversham unless I get writer's block as my intention is to crack on with my project-a book about "My Life and Ten Other Favourite Jokes", a working title which at the moment is strong on jokes but a bit light on the "My Life" bit. If anyone can remember me doing anything of the slightest interest can they let me know?
Life on the moorings has been quiet; the wildlife is fairly inactive this time of year and few people visit. Those that are here stay indoors tending their fires and meditating. One spark of excitement was yesterday when I saw a couple of chaps under the bridge by the lock. They had a landing net and were obviously fishing for something. "What have you lost" I asked. "My drone" came the reply.
"Would a magnet help?"
After a discussion as to whether there was sufficient metal in a drone to be attractive to a magnet they decided to give it a go. I walked back to Independence and fetched my magnet leaving it with them with instructions to stick it next to my car when they'd finished. I don't know if they found it but my magnet was waiting for me when I returned. Now I've never been up close to a drone, that piece of technology has passed me by, but I suspect this is the first one that's finished up in a canal. I told you it was only a spark of excitement. I don't know why I droned on about.
What the dickins!
I enjoyed the line about The Amazon Boss' wife leaving him. Presumably with a neighbour.
======================================= I shall not be blogging whilst in Faversham unless I get writer's block as my intention is to crack on with my project-a book about "My Life and Ten Other Favourite Jokes", a working title which at the moment is strong on jokes but a bit light on the "My Life" bit. If anyone can remember me doing anything of the slightest interest can they let me know?
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