I was crewing for friend Adrian last week and an old boy I got chatting to had a boat called Diogenes. At a weak attempt at humour I said "That's what I should call my boat cos I've got dodgy knees"
Geddit? No he didn't either.
He was about my age give or take a transplant but without my sparkling wit. Hmmmmm....more on old soddery later...
Adrian has had a run of bad luck with his boat requiring works to the hull but I think he'll fall back in love with her eventually.
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Water Lilies in Cassiobury Park |
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Ady gives guided tour of a lock gate |
We had a good trip back from Watford where the work was done-very hot but good boating and Ady is now installed on his new mooring at Cow Roast. Sadly we've said goodbye to Chris and Gill on Eulalie who have moved off to Aylesbury having been pillars of the Cow Roast community for many years. They had a leaving do

What else has been going on?
Well I really enjoyed the World Cup despite losing in the semis and wore my lucky St George's waistcoat to every game....most of which I watched on my boat alone. Sad git. We played well but lost to a better side in Croatia who were unlucky in the final.

I know I'm not body beautiful, carry too much weight and drink like a fish but that apart I'm in great condition. Or I was. In the last six months I've copped for pneumonia, Atrial fibulation, COPD and Sleep Apnoea; the last being treated by the joyous need to wear a mask at night attached to a machine that blasts cold air up your hooter. Great fun. It's powered by 240 v which is fine when your on the mooring with such a supply but when (and if) I move the boat I need a separate power supply which costs 120 quid +VA sodding T. Oh and to connect that to the machine I need a transformer which is only supplied by the machine manufacturer at a cost of £70! Expensive business sleeping.
I'm having various tests on the ticker prior to seeing the Consultant in the Autumn so no need to worry till then......except I've acknowledged to myself that another full Winter on board might not be a recipe for good physical and mental health if the last couple of years are anything to go by. So I'm looking to book two or three decent breaks before and after Christmas to break the Winter up a bit; renting a cottage in Derbyshire before Christmas and one in , say, Somerset and one in Kent during Feb/March. All of about three weeks duration. This fits in with my intention to crack on with my alleged book which hasn't progressed in the last six months......so if you know of any cheap little cottages or suchlike to rent (no pets/DSS/) do let me know.
For the same reason I will not use the self check-outs at supermarkets which seem designed to leave the elderly and confused looking, well, elderly and confused.
Enough. Lets have some service please. Why do we tolerate banks that are making a fortune out of our money, usually as customers, but more recently as taxpayers, yet they cannot be bothered to provide a presence in towns or when they do it's two stressed ladies at lecterns who do their humble best and add insult to injury by recommending I "have a nice sodding day"!
This great country once would have had Luddites in Tesco and Barclays smashing up their damnable machinery and getting proper people in jobs. Go for it. Next time you go to the Library take a mallet and just before you smash the intimidating scanning machine into a thousand pieces inform the dominatrix behind the counter that you're doing it for her!
Talking of libraries I'm reminded of the drunk who wandered into the library and very loudly asked for "TWO COD AND CHIPS"
The librarian admonished him-"Quiet. This is a Library"
The drunk suitably chastened whispered "two cod and chips please"
This week sees some meaningful events.
Pam had a birthday and hosted a very fine barbecue on Saturday. Many of the great (unwashed) and good (for nothing) of Berkhamsted were there plus some very nice people. It was very jolly and no prisoners were taken.
Mathilda was One Year old on Monday. Here she is in a bucket-none of this modern parenting nonsense here-

On Thursday Boater Mike Griffin hits 70! Happy Birthday Mike!!

Bye for now.
Hi Mike,
Lovely and entertaining post as usual. Lovely to see some of the Cow Roast crowd and I am pleased that you friend Ady is now ensconced near you. Heaven knows what mischief you two will get up to now but I am sure you keep us informed in future blogs.
I find it a wonder anyone can actually fall asleep with all that gear attached but it is working for you and that is superb. Our bodies only heal themselves when we sleep so good sleep will go a long way to wards your body tackling the various things you've got going on now.
Please give my best to everyone when you see them. In the entire terrible time Les was dying it was the Cow roast boaters who lifted our spirits and made us laugh.
Mrs. B
We've been reading your blog for I don't know how long and I've just realised there is a place to leave comments. You are not the only person to have problems with new technology! Same problem here with banks closing - nearest one now 30 mins away.
Good luck with hospital appointments etc. Tracey and Neil
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