Everybody loves the Spring. Some odd types prefer the Winter or Autumn but I aint one of them. As the years go by my detestation of the Winter (excluding Christmas of course) increases. I like bits of Autumn but it is still the precursor to Winter so it's no longer for me. I know we have to put up with all four seasons (& we quite often get them in the same day!) and there's no point in fretting about it but I can't alter the fact that Spring is a delight compared to the others.
I guess it's to do with getting older and the cycle of life (but mine's got a puncture) but when I'm out and about wandering hither and thither the signs of Spring gladden the heart and and jolly the spirit. So stuff Winter. Let's have a pot pourri of Spring. These two pictures were taken of the crane operating over the new "Retirement Homes" in Berko and I must say it looks a good development-a further improvement to that end of town. The pictures were taken (one by Pam one by Me) because of the crane against a backdrop of red sky which meant a few lovely Spring days last week
But first what's this?
Taken at the moorings on my way back from the pub.....
Is it....
An alien invasion?
Party lights on Jim and Sue's boat?
Bloody cyclists chewing up the towpath?
No . It was 20 (I think) female runners all with head torches and pounding along at a fair old lick. My lasting impression?.....Every one of them was talking, not pausing for breath even as they mounted the bridge. Now I'm no athlete and these ladies were obviously in good nick but when I'm out walking and especially if there's a hill involved then I don't talk. I need to save the bits used for talking to garner enough oxygen to keep me going. If the person I am with wants to start a discussion then good luck to them but it's going to be one-sided. Anyway these runners weren't having a discussion because they were all talking at the same time.
Talking of walking we took a Spring walk across Ashridge from Berko to Dudswell and saw this new development.
My Retirement home |
A view from Ashridge looking towards Wiggington |
Pam appears as if by magic and practises some Qigong
Want to know more? http://nqa.org/resources/what-is-qigong/
Pam has recently returned from China-Beijing to be exact- a trip with her Tai Chi chums with whom she walked some of the Great Wall and won Gold for their performance at Beijing University at a gathering attended by Tai Chi groups from all over the world

Back to the mooring.....
This duck on the mooring has 12 eggs at the last count. Hope she and her brood make it through the Spring |
This one on Roy's boat has had some emergency first aid with duck tape |
Spring hasn't been able to save the Christmas tree which thrived through 2014 but has given up the ghost since Christmas |
Spring brings people together for a towpath chat |
and others welcome visitors for a day out |
Danny goes for a spin on Mozark |
Jim and Sue enjoy the Winding Hole entertainment |
Here comes Danny again |
Below the lock at Cowroast I spy one of Grebe cruisers' ex trip boats from Pitstone-looks like they've packed in the trip boat business. Someone has bought a project-this boat is electric I think. I met the father of the purchaser today and the plan is to fit it out as a live-aboard including s new electric engine! I wish him well; I hope he's a young man with lots of dosh.
Back to Spring-even the usually shy Mandarin is enjoying a towpath romance |
Daffodils everywhere. Lovely to see |
and Primula round Sid's seat at Cowroast Lock |
I think it's a munkjac-he/she didn't want to hang about to tell me |
More Springtime romance |
This bunny sat outside the boat for over half an hour enjoying the Spring sunshine |
Springtime means some of the older residents can venture out for a chat |
Lovely to see. Bless.
More daffodils-this time at the Grand Junction, Bulbourne |
To Derbyshire for the weekend, to the village of Hayfield which lies in the vale below Kinder Scout. Pam's brother Mac does guided walks and Pam thought it a good idea to join him on the Sunday for a walk on Kinder. I thought it was a good idea too because I wasn't doing it. As it transpired the weather turned particularly grotty with very strong winds on the Sunday and the walk had to be curtailed; but they had a good go.
I've got ahead of myself and haven't mentioned Saturday. We drove up in the morning and whilst negotiating the numerous roadworks on the M1 Pam studied the runners and riders for the Grand National. She was drawn to Many Clouds because looking north that was our prospect and the rest as they say is history. £2 each way on Betfair produced a welcome profit. Well done Pam.
Having booked in and watched the race in the bar we went for an hours wander round Hayfield in order to suss out somewhere for dinner and find the meeting point for Sunday's walk. A beautiful village with a notable former resident-Arthur Lowe of Dad's Army fame was born here
Stupid Boy.
A couple of beers and dinner in the Pack Horse (pies a specialite de la maison) before turning in for the night
In the morning we went our different ways after a Full English; Pam to climb Kinder and me to Whaley Bridge then a canal walk along the Peak Forest Canal. I walked from Whaley Bridge to New Mills thence to Bugsworth Basin and back to Whaley Bridge. The weather was indifferent but it only rained once.
The trip boat at Whaley Bridge |
The adjacent River Goyt which runs alongside the Peak Forest Canal |
Looking back at Whaley Bridge |
Over the bridge |
I wonder why someone needs a reed shelf? A tidy oboist possibly? |
A joke for bro-in-law, Tom |
Bugsworth Basin is a fascinating place with interconnecting pools, horse bridges, tunnels and a pub once owned by another celebtrity
Lower Basin |
Lower basin again |
The Wharfinger's House next to the gauging** stop place |
** For most of my life I've been spelling this word as "guaging". You're never too old to learn.
Funny position...but he is winding...that happens to me when I bend like that.
I don't know about the poor bloody horses but I found these pretty steep. Must be dodgy in the ice |
Middle Basin |
From Lower Basin looking towards the Navigation Inn |
The Bugsworth to Calais Tunnel |
More daffodils |
The Navigation Inn.....and some more daffodils |
and the R Goyt is still with us. |
and more wild Primula |
The Wide entering Middle Basin |
Plaque on the Wharfingers House |
No. It wasn't really a tunnel to Calais but this French flag flew in the garden |
Back on the Peak Forest Canal hesading for New Mills |
Back to Whaley Bridge
Oooh Matron! |
Originally planned as a canal to link Whaley Bridge (and therefore Manchester) to Cromford near Matlock but abandoned on cost grounds a railway was built on the same route including 9 inclines of which Whaley is one.
This part of the incline crosses the R Goyt. Just the other side is Whaley Bridge canal basin |
This pub was closed on the last two occasions I visited Whaley Bridge.-This was the third time....unlucky! |
Indeed Whaley Bridge has some strange pub hours and to our horror a couple of years back we arrived on a Monday to find every pub closed. You have never seen a boat turned round so quickly and heading north in your life. We sped off to Bugsworth and the Navigation Inn which was once owned by Pat Phoenix-Elsie Tanner to the less educated.
Back tonHayfield and Kinder Lodge (our b& b) to meet Pam and Mac after their Kinder Scout hike
In the evening a roast dinner in the Royal Hotel-excellent and an early night. An early start was required on the morrow as I had to get back to Watford to take Ady to Heathrow for his flight to Chicago to meet Claudia. His trip means he'll be out of England for St George's Day on 23rd April. I hope Claudia ensures he both wears a red rose that day and drinks a toast to the patron saint of England.
Indeed I trust all English people will sport a red rose on Thursday but I suspect as usual it will pass mainly unmarked.
The flag flies over Cow Roast Moorings in anticipation of the weeks celebrations |
Back on the mooring Spring continues to work its magic.
It is Spring Spruce up time. Noticeable that Mac carries on working but as soon as the camera is raised Carrie and Jasper the dog are in Pose mode. |
Spring or not Geoff attends to his prayers-such a pious man |
Mac and Carrie have a new foredeck on The Griffin. Very smart.
and the Mandarin is becoming less shy of the camera

Completely changing the subject......
Last Wednesday was Bernie's birthday at the Lamb complete with cake
Back at Berko its bbq time with Nat, Ollie and Joseph in attendance and s very fine sun drenched bbq it was.
Joseph contemplates another fun-filled week at school
The Gulu Sisters
Some artyfarty pictures to raise the tone
Natalie through the trellis
So next week brings a visit to the dentist, preparing the boat engine room for a service and some modification, Saint George's Day on Thursday and our boaters' gathering for ST G on Sunday . Numbers are down this year so well see how it goes. Doesn't matter either way .....it's Springtime and I love it.
Best wishes to all for the week ahead from myself and Mr Biscuit.....and don't forget to fly the flag and wear a rose
PS-I see from the Google stats that the last posting had over a thousand hits since its publication in early April with a surprisingly high percentage being from Russia and the Ukraine. Now somewhere on this posting you'll find an advert for something or the other put on by Google and the more people that click on that the more chance I might get some wonga so feel free so to do. Or not as the case may be.
PS- Я вижу по статистике Google , чтов прошлом размещение было болеетысячи хитов с момента его опубликования в начале апреля с удивительно высоким процентом составляет от России и Украины. Теперь где-то на этой публикации вы найдете объявление на что-то илидругой надел на Google и больше людей, которые нажмите на чтобольше шанс, что я мог бы получить некоторые Wonga так что не стесняйтесь , чтобы сделать. Или не в зависимости от обстоятельств .
PS- YA vizhu po statistike Google , chto v proshlom razmeshcheniye bylo boleye tysyachi khitov s momenta yego opublikovaniya v nachale aprelya s udivitel'no vysokim protsentom sostavlyayet ot Rossii i Ukrainy. Teper' gde-to na etoy publikatsii vy naydete ob"yavleniye na chto-to ili drugoy nadel na Google i bol'she lyudey, kotoryye nazhmite na chto bol'she shans, chto ya mog by poluchit' nekotoryye Wonga tak chto ne stesnyaytes' , chtoby sdelat'. Ili ne v zavisimosti ot obstoyatel'stv .