Tuesday 2 April 2013


It's Easter weekend.........

and it's very cold.

Copped this swan on Maundy Thursday. He/She (I didn't get that close) seems to be happy that he/she has a long weekend swanning about.
Normally this weekend I would hope to be doing a bit of painting, tidying the mooring, maybe even planting a few flowers, perhaps some veg.
No way Jose.
It is cold. Very. As I've already mentioned.
Picked Pam up from Heathrow early Good Friday and she is understandably missing the Ugandan sun big time.

A few more people have turned up at the mooring but nobody looks like sunbathing. The coldest Easter since records etc and it feels like it.

Clocks forward and Easter Sunday at 7.30 (6.30 in old money) brings a sparkling frosty day By lunchtime we are back to cold and gloom but, nay bother, by then we have had an Easter Egg Hunt, a walk at the wonderful College Lake nr Tring and the Roast Lamb with all the trimmings is in the oven.


Grandma's found hers
Found one!
Very warm

On the moorings people are still trying to tidy moorings and tart up their boats but it's cold work
Some watching

Some working

This looks ominous
whilst the flowers fight for survival

The bravest so far this year is this bluebell which has made it between the paving slabs and survived all that the Winter could throw at it.

Whilst all at Cowroast are preparing for the Spring the folk moored on the Aylesbury Arm on the wrong side of Lock 12 have a problem.
The lock collapsed on Maundy Thursday and I aint no engineer but that's gonna take all Summer to fix. If the good people at Aylesbury and Red House moorings want to escape the Arm for the Summer I hope CaRT can arrange the option of a crane to get them on their way.

College Lake

Superb lamb for Easter Sunday Lunch....I could easily embrace vegetarianism if vegetables tasted of roast lamb. Yumyumyummy!
On Easter Monday after some more shivering on the moorings the girls each bought me a pint in lieu of an Easter Egg for which much thanks.
Here comes the Berko Mafia now advancing on the Lamb pub to do just that-all we are missing is Ollie and Joe-good luck at the Quack today Ollie and hope you had a good Easter in Cornwall Joe.

Returned to the mooring to find some villain had inverted my gnome! No respect some people. But don't worry, ROY, my CCTV will reveal the culprit and the gnome shall be avenged.
An interesting addition to the skip in town-a large bottom. Intriguing. Either it was frozen off someone in the recent chilly spell or perhaps it is the original Builder's Bottom. Watch this space.

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I know it's been a while and soooo many of you have asked when will I write another blog. My answer to both of them is here it is. My la...