Monday 8th April
I wandered up to the lock this morning and was chatting to the BW (now CaRT) man who was running water through to the lower pound . Being English we talked about the weather (I wonder what foreigners talk about?) and I mentioned that rain was forecast for later in the week.
Pump action |
He said "We've got more water than we need already" We laughed at the fact that a year ago we were so short of water in the cut hereabouts that nobody could go anywhere.
The canal was stopped at Newground Bridge |
Navigation was stopped for three months and a minimum level was maintained by frequent pumping back above the lock at Cowroast.
Now we are oversupplied with water-possibly because we had plenty during what was laughably called last Summer-but also because the pumping to the Aylesbury Arm is limited since the collapse of Lock 12 thereon.
So all this water has to go somewhere and here at Cowroast we have plenty. The level of the canal is splendidly high.
The stoppage on the Aylesbury Arm has caused problems for friends of mine who are the wrong side of the collapse. They want to get out to go on their travels during the Summer but more importantly want to get out to come to our St George's Party on 27th April.
There is rumour that CaRT are contemplating a lift out of boats at Aylsebury, putting them back in at Milton Keynes but we wait for more news.
Preparations are now in hand for the St George's Gathering and I know as I write that all my friends are rifling through their priceless collection of boating and associated goodies trying to decide which to auction on behalf of the St Francis Hospice and which to hand down to their offspring.
Last year we made £400 on the auction alone and anything approaching that will be great. Pam and I are also doing a raffle for the Mission in Uganda so we are poncing good quality prizes for that. Pam's aim is to raise £500 and she is about a quarter of the way there. Mike G and his lovely wife Judith kindly coughed up a tenner which has been added to the fund. Much thanks
10th April-2.30 p.m. And the shower is finished-at last. Just need to fit the curtain and a door. Next week maybe.
Spring is here as well. The sun is out and the daffs are winning. Able to start painting outside without the paint freezing on my brush. Marvellous.
11th April. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. Rain all night and dreary morning so no painting today.
But planning is apace now for the Big Adventure Llangollen Summer (BALLS). My neighbours, Roy and Annie, on Panther and I are planning the trip to Wales during late July through to October.
Roy and
Annie (one of the two best lock workers in the world)
(Note who is carryng the most bags)
They have already done the outline plan so my next job is to try and drum up some crew for the various stages. My knees aren't what they were so any help will be invaluable. Most of my usual crew are meeting up in Lyme Regis in 2 weeks time so I will have a chance to do some recruiting. Get them rocky in the local pubs and drop the old King's shilling in their mug-sorted.
Cleaning my teeth this morning I saw my first rabbit this Spring. Good to see him as they are kept company by this fellow. I've seen this mink half a dozen times now but he pays me no heed. I know they are little buggers but he is beautiful.
And as far as I'm aware he doesn't eat marquees and paint brushes. No news from Lord Rothschild yet. Might be on holiday.