A few pictures and musings on Lockdown at Cow Roast over the last few weeks.
The weather has been changeable to say the least and the next twassock that tells me we are short of water will receive resounding thwack in the waterbutt.
These pictures are in no particular order and of no great relevance. A bit like me really.
Neighbours for a night- Jules and Richard moored up alongside neighbour, David. but were very quiet and well behaved. Throughout Lockdown they have kept boaters supplied with diesel, coal and gas. Always cheerful-yes even Richard-the service is brilliant. |
I was waiting on a delivery from Tesco when I saw the lock empty and gates open with the sky reflected in the water.
I have a Tesco delivery every Saturday and have bought a small freezer to accommodate the goodies. Pam and friends Roy and Ady on the mooring are great in making sure the dreaded anorexia doesn't get a grip and a special thanks to Peter and Louise for keeping me in drugs. It's ok they're all on prescription. |
This young swan- about a year old I would guess- is a frequent visitor to my boat. On the ponce for food of course but who could resist such a beauty |
Oi Baldy! Where's my bread? |
All busy at one end of the mooring.Colin and Peter busy repairing jetties and generally putting the rest of us to shame. |
Once or twice a week two or three of us have been gathering lockside at Cow Roast for a beer and a chat. We call it the Lock Inn. The social distancing is measured in barge-pole and the odour of sanitiser is in the air. This picture is of a glass of Guinness in a Guinness glass hence the sun showing the harp in the froth. |
Phil and Roy bargepoles apart |
Likewise Phil and Geoff |
My V J Day decorations |
Two Lockside Ladies |
Roy wheels and deals-empty Sidepocke bottles are a major currency these days. |
Another wheeler dealer visits |
Cheers Big Ears! |
Only two left out of eight. Nature is tough. |
Golly joins the Lockside Inn |
Two pictures of a Cow Roast sunset. The one below shows a late arrival but she's got her navigation lights on. Very handy should an oil tanker be coming the other way. |
Hops! Our hopbine by the entrance to the mooring is flourishing and will soon bear fruit. It's enough to make one want to take up home brewing |
One small mishap. I casually lobbed a log (sounds like a Flowerpot Man) into my log basket. It bounced and glided across the cabin and went through the glass in the door of my stove. Bugger! 30 quid later and after much appreciated assistance from neighbour, Roy, I now have a new one. |
Talking of Roy we decided on a whim that Fish and Chips would be a good idea. They were an excellent idea and eaten in true British fashion-with a raincoat and a breeze to freeze the nuts off a stove door.
Mum, Dad and 6 cygnets out for their evening promenade. Their growth rate is phenomenal. |
Mr Wall's Magic Hand Sanitiser is in full production. I've produce 27 so far for distribution to friends and family. I bought a litre of sanitiser from a butchers supplies firm for 11 quid and the little sprays work out at 60p. The total ost is £1. Here to help as we say at Asda |
So soggy the 6 oclock tipple had to seek shelter under the marquee. Because of social distancing I had to remain outside under the brolly. Bloody weather. |
The cygnets get fed by Pippa-no wonder they're growing so fast! |
Geoff at prayer during a Lock Inn meeting |
Two kites in a fite add to the entertainment.
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So what have others been doing-here's a snapshot
Mikaela has been painting and looks like she's doing well.
John B has been mending his bellows presumably so he can cool Janice's grazed knee!!
and Ollie and Jessica went to Kew Gardens where they socially distanced themselves from the Pam
Carrie has been singing with Gareth Malone, enjoying Mac's cooking and Jasper supporting the NHS

I know it's too early to be worrying but if this lockdown business carries on into and even through the Winter it aint going to be possible to meet the occasional chum outside for a cuppa or a glass and the dark nights never fill me with glee anyway. Here's praying they get something sorted by October or I might be in need of the rubber room. The latest from HMG on the "shielded" and relaxing the lockdown does not fill me with confidence. Placing more responsibility on he individual to act responsibly is fine but there are so many fuckwits out there that I fear the worse. I've just watched the scenes from Bournemouth beach and decided I aint rushing anywhere busy no matter what the Government say. Come the Winter I hall hide under the bed and live on ishpaste sandwiches.
I got excited when I saw the following on the comments section of my last blogpost. An offer of money from an oil sheikh? A bid to buy Fulham and turn them into the best in Fulham (actually they are in Chelsea but no matter)? A chance to buy half a dozen virgins and a couple of camels?
اسعار شركات رش الحشرات شركة مكافحة بق الفراش بالقصيم اسعار مكافحة الحشرات شركة مكافحة حشر
ات ببريدة شركة مكافحة سوس
الخشب بالقصيم شركة مكافحة صراصير بالقصيم شركة مكافحة فئران بالقصيم مكافحة حشرات المنزل مكافحة حشرات بالقصي
م شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض با
لقصيم شركة مكافحة الحشرات ببريدة شركة رش مبيدات ببريدة شركات مكافحة الحشرات بالقصيم افضل شركة مكافحة الحشرات on
Nah! This what it said.
Prices for insect spraying companies, Bed Bugs Control Company in Qassim, Prices for Pest Control, a pest control company, in Buraidah, a wood mite control company in Qassim, a cockroach control company, Qassim, a mice control company, Qassim, insect control, Qasim Control, a white termination company, Qassim, a pest control company, Buraidah, a pesticide company, Buraidah, a control company Insects in Al-Qassim best pest control company.
So if you've got a problem with insects these are the boys for you. Please mention my blog.
Finally it's goodbye to Lesley who has relinquished her mooring and is selling Hart of February. Longtimers on the moorings will be aware of the efforts of her and Max over the years both regarding facilities, security and fishermen** and in fully supporting our attempts to raise money for different charities. Always the first to volunteer and remaining cheerful in adversity we wish her well.
Talking of fishermen one of Lesley's final acts was to call in Tiggywinkles to attend to a toung heron caught in fishing line. I don't know the outcome but I haven't seen the heron down by the lock since.