I know it's been a while and soooo many of you have asked when will I write another blog. My answer to both of them is here it is. My last blog in July was about the publication of my new book "Sorry I was Miles Away" which hasn't flown off the shelves if I'm honest-bit too serious and fact-filled for many who were probably expecting another jokey tome.I hope to revert to type with the third effort which will be about my life in Bits....sorry Boats and which I was going to make a serious start on this week whilst on holiday in Norfolk, Needless to say I aint there cos of the lockdown and anyway I'm not in a book mood. So I'm warming up with a blog. |
Michael (aged 10ish) rows the boat ashore |
Back in the first lockdown I wrote "I know it's too early to be worrying but if this lockdown business carries on into and even through the Winter it aint going to be possible to meet the occasional chum outside for a cuppa or a glass and the dark nights never fill me with glee anyway. Here's praying they get something sorted by October or I might be in need of the rubber room. The latest from HMG on the "shielded" and relaxing the lockdown does not fill me with confidence. Placing more responsibility on he individual to act responsibly is fine but there are so many fuckwits out there that I fear the worse. I've just watched the scenes from Bournemouth beach and decided I aint rushing anywhere busy no matter what the Government say. Come the Winter I shall hide under the bed and live on fishpaste sandwiches."Then the erection was renamed by Roy as theBayt al Hikma which as you all know from my book "Sorry I Was Miles Away" means "House of Wisdom!
The H of W has certainly helped maintain a degree of sanity throughout both lockdowns providing a venue for a weekly quiz (which with the advent of Zoom also involves Mac and Carrie on the Orkneys and Peter and Kay in Exeter)
Danny has created his new waiter friend and I posed at a booksigning
Sunday Lunch
Fish and Chips supper
A Musical Soiree
Santa's Christmas workshop

Light and Heat
Political debate
Even a cinema. The Bargee of course.
A pleasing evening view

A honcho in a poncho
Roy even found time to paint his boat and very fine she looks
We celebrated VE Day

I bought a new loo! So exciting; it's a compost toilet from the wonderfully named https://www.weehooses.com/
Very pleased with it and very competitively priced. I asked for the Pig on the front-I call it my Pigloo.
The loo arrives
The lockdown has presented the opportunity to do some path repairs before Winter floods us out
and the wonderful Jules Fuels keep us supplied with diesel, gas and coal
A bit of excitement at the Cowroast Inn last week. 7 police cars there all morning and it looks like squatters are in residence though the rumour is they are there with permission. For understandable reasons there has been no sign of the pub being refurbished/reopened
Thank God we always have nature to support us even in the direst of time

So it hasn't all been doom and gloom but I do fear for the Winter and as many of you will know I'm very much a Christmas person but hey ho I've had 73 marvellous Christmases so far so here's hoping for a 74th.
I've suggested and my idea has general support that circumstances permitting we try and put on a bit of a show before Christmas with canalside cottages and boats displaying some festive cheer. Should be good. Fingers crossed. As I mentioned earlier I was meant to be in Norfolk this week on holiday/book research. If lockdown ceases on 2nd December I've booked a place near Bakewell from 5th to 12th but I'm not holding my breath.
Away from the mooring Pam hosted a small gathering of the old Lamb crew.
It was grand to see them and hear how they are coping.
Returning to the subject of my book I am pleased to see that both the Berkhamsted and Tring "Living" Magazines have given an honourable top billing mention to my efforts. The magazines are published on 16th November so let's hope that might help sell a few copies.

That's it for now. As always I am grateful to all who keep in touch either on the mooring or elsewhere, by way of the 6 p.m. texted Cheers Big Ears or by the odd welcome phone call and also through Zoom. Let's hope things improve soon. November hasn't been a bad month with Trump and Cummings gone and the hope of a vaccine.
Keep hoping. Keep coping.