Hello all.
It's been a while I'm afraid (though I doubt if you are) I've been pretty busy. I also have to be in the right mood. Know what I mean.
Plus it's Easter Sunday and I have a cold. And it's raining. Very hard. So what else is there to do but this.
Anyway many have asked what's happened to the blog and I told them both I'd get round to it asap.So here goes.
Please let me know at what point you get bored and I'll stop.
First a cartoon that pleased me greatly.

On the canal we are emerging from Winter which, as elsewhere, has been so mild that I can only recall two occasions when the cut froze and that was only paper thin. It's been bloomin wet and the path alongside has been treacherous but as Winters go this one was a doddle. I'm not a Winter person (other than Christmas) and as the years go by detest with increasing fervour the dark evenings so now the days are drawing out my spirits raise. Cheers. Two lumps of ice please.

Another one? Most kind. No ice this time.
One major concern for the ambulance people will be the 380 metre footpath which is the only access to the boat furthest from the gate. Especially given its current (and I use the term advisedly) state of disrepair. It is unusable today and very slippery either side. We had very heavy rain and strong winds last night (Easter Sunday) and it's very soupy out there.
Whether Canal and River Trust repair it or we do it has to be sorted before next Winter.
If you're bored already cut and paste this link and have a chortle-nothing to do with anything really.
Berkhamsted -where CRT are wanting (allegedly with support from local residents) to reduce the max mooring time to 48 hours instead of the current 14 days. This is allegedly, but improbably, to stop nuisances overstaying and overcrowding. Similar measures are proposed at other nearby sites on the Grand Union (but not Cowroast). Another fine example of the powers who are paid handsomely to enforce the regs punishing the majority rather than sorting the nuisances out. My picture of Berkhamsted shows that if there is a problem it is not a persistent one. Hardly Calais Jungle is it?

It's time for a Spring Clean on the mooring and in the shed. You can't beat a bonfire.
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All watched By Henry the Heron. |
Shouldn't be so bad this year because, as you might be able to see, the bonfire has caused the water to boil away. I was so impressed I went inside the boat and invented the kettle.
As well as the mooring the boat is being prepared for her bottom blacking at the end of April. This happens every four years but this year is different, I've also booked a hull survey which hasn't been done since I bought the boat so every night before 26th April offer up a little prayer that Michael's bottom will be alright.
Meanwhile back inside I've been rearranging my photos
You can't see the walls now and I've still got a dozen to stick up somewhere.![]() |
If my boat is condemned I'll have to hire the new day boat from Cowroast Marina |
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Waddesdon |

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more Waddesdon |
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Snowdrops |
Recent additions at Waddesdon are "Lafite" two sculptures by Portuguese artist Joana Vasconce, They consistsof two seven metre tall structures composed of glass wine bottles. The Rothschilds, of course, own Chateau Lafite so no problem getting hold of the empties.

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and an ancient sluice. No. I'm leaning on it! |
With daffodils galore!

St Patrick's Day and lunch at the Cowroast Inn with the two Geoffs, Mike P Mac and Carrie
Whilst ferreting around in the shed I came across these two photos from the early '80s
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This may well be one of my first visits to the Cow Roast Inn. The window behind me is now a doorway |
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Ady, moi, Ted, Mike P and of course, Copper Rose |
Talking of Ted he scared the hell out of everybody by having what appears to be a mild heart attack. I'm sure the word "mild" is inadequate and inaccurate but praise be the Mighty Ted is well on the mend. A lovely fella even for a Spurs supporter.
I sent Ted a copy of the picture and that prompted me to have it framed using Caz's new business endeavour "Now Frame It"
Just send them your picture by phone, laptop, whatever -and choose a frame and they post the finished article to wherever you want. Well done Caz.
In addition Nat has had illustrations commissioned and published by New scientist
https://www.newscientist.com/…/2079642-a-mind-trick-that-ca…. and Ollie finished all the promo material for the Formula E Event in Mexico. http://www.fiaformulae.com
So it's congrats all round.
A couple of additions to my life;the first a blanket box for my bedroom on board. An attempt to transform my life from one where my clothes are stored in plastic boxes to one where my clothes are stored in a blanket box. This is progress
The second is a raised bed, a combination of my consummate carpentry skills and a 4 quid piece of kit out of Aldi. I am taking part in this years Berko Challenge which is to grow "Heritage Vegetables" As last year proved, the real challenge is to grow anything with the plague of rabbits that infest the moorings. My cunning plan is to have the raised bed 4 feet of the ground protected by razor wire. Watch this space.
The wonderful Jules' Fuels keeps me topped up with diesel and other essentials and their delivery of 132 litres on 23rd Feb prompted me to keep a careful log of consumption by my Central Heating stove which is diesel fired. When they refilled with 100 litres 26 days later I was able to establish that she burns 3.84 litres a day which at the current price of 61p a litre costs £2.35 a day. Not bad. I've only had the boat 19 years so it's about time I worked out how much.
There has always been a high level of camaraderie amongst boaters and John exemplified this. He would help anybody in any way he could and his more than adequate carpentry skills were in great demand and of greater benefit to me in my early Cowroast days. He had a great sense of fun-who could forget his wing nut ears worn for his impersonation of Prince Charles when we celebrated HMQ's Silver Jubilee? I must dig out the photo sometime.
Although short in stature "Little John" was a giant to me for one major reason. In his former life he had been a steam engine drive. Enough said. He was a God for that reason alone but I think his kindness, sense of humour and gentlemanly demeanour confirmed his position as a top bloke. RIP John.
Great Cambridge Road
Greater London
His son David tells me that donations to either of the following would be welcome.
I have David Gerber's address if anyone needs it.

Such a fine thing to do. He has a blog-I recommend it as being one of the best written I've ever come across. You can view the blog here.
We've organised an Easter Egg raffle at the Cowroast Inn** and we are raffling a bottle of Single Malt at The Lamb in Berko over the next couple of weeks both in support of Ben and MIND.
**Late news-the Egg raffle at the Cowroast Inn raised £55. Well done George and team
Two films in the last month at the Rex in Berko. Lady in the Van with Maggie Smith and Youth with Michael Caine, both excellent and thought provoking, both starring British actors in their 80s , both dealing with people of very different sorts in the twilight of their lives and both preceded by dinner at Gatsbys. What a treat!
and now the sun has come out.
Cheers everybody!